Comparing the size of a Blue Whale - SyMzOnA Earn free bitcoin



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Saturday 22 July 2017

Comparing the size of a Blue Whale

( Medium-sized Airplane : Boeing 737-900 ------> 138 feet,2" long / 45 tonnes)

Quetzalcoatlus Northropi -> Wingspan of 33 - 36 feet / 200–250 kg ------> One of the largest pterosaurs.

Pelagornis Sandersi -> Wingspan of 20 - 24 feet / 22–40 kg------> The largest flying bird.

Palaeoloxodon Namadicus -> 16 - 17 feet tall / 20 - 22 tonnes ------> The largest land mammal.

Puertasaurus Reuili -> 115 - 125 feet long / 80 - 110 tonnes ------> One of the largest herbivorous dinosaurs.

Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus -> 50 feet long / 6 - 8 tonnes ------ > The largest carnivorous dinosaur.

African Elephant -> 10 - 12 feet tall / 5.5 - 7 tonnes ------> The largest land animal alive today.

Blue Whale -> 80 - 100 feet long / 100 - 200 tonnes ------> The largest animal alive today as well as the largest of all animals known so far. )

(The airplane may seem bigger but it is less heavier compared to the dinosaur and the blue whale because the outer body of an airplane needs to be bigger while the most heaviest parts are inside.The Boeing 737-900 has a good length, even though it is only a medium-sized airplane and weighing 45 tonnes. While the large dinosaur seen in the image is more than twice heavy than the airplane.

The largest boeing which is also the longest passenger aircraft, boeing747-8 has a much bigger body and is two and half times longer than a blue whale and yet it weighs only 218 tonnes,which is slightly heavier than the largest known blue whale.)

Yet nobody knows how large is the biggest dinosaur. There will be a possibility of the image 'Blue whale size comparison 2', if possibly there might be a large dinosaur which is yet to be discovered that could either rival or surpass the blue whale. Most likely i won't be alive to hear that news.

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